Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Day and Some Bad News

Found out today that my sister Carey has Breast Cancer. She is going in for a masectamy on Tuesday and then we will know more. All of my thoughts and prayers are with her. I think it is going to be a long road, but I hope with all of my being that she will be okay. More to come.

The potty training is going quite well. Sidney wants to go potty every 2 minutes to get the candy that follows. Aidan, doing better at night but not so good with the poop. Bree is hit or miss, I'm letting her slide until we have a handle on the other two.

On Christmas morning I opened the girls room to find them both butts in the air in Bree's bed sound asleep. This is the first time they have actually climbed in and slept all night together. It was a precious site. I wish I would have had my camera handy. Now they are fighting every night to go to bed. They want me to rock-a-bye them and then they want to door open and this and that. It is really quite a lot of patience to get them to sleep. I'm hoping they will get the picture soon that I am not going to sit by their door each night and they are not going to sleep in our room. Wish me luck and a good nights sleep!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day

We have had an interesting New Year's. We went to Heidi's for a party last night and all the kids were awake the whole time. Needless to say, they are all a little tired and cranky today. I have some resolutions for the year: NO more diapers in 2012. Aidan's are going tonight and the girls are on their way. Not getting it too much, but Sidney did go twice in the potty and 3 times in her pants. Baby steps right.

Sidney came up to me this morning and said, "Mommy I have a pretty in my nose." Thinking I must have miss heard I said you have a bogger in your nose. "No, a pretty." Upon a closer look, I see a long hair hanging out of her nose, I gave it a tug and sure enough, out comes the hair and the hair band that she had in her hair. I'm very glad it came out easy!

We spent most of the day taking down our Christmas stuff and storing it back in the basement. I also spent a couple of hours trying to clean out the basement. Yet another resolution for 2012, get rid of the clutter and finish the basement. Big asperations, but I am determined to do it!

Here are some hightlights for 2011: We spent New Year's Day at Tony's wedding in Michigan. What a fun wedding it was! They had a nice wedding in the same room as the receptions. They had the ceremony and then served dinner. After dinner they had drinks and dancing. Can I say "Yummy! Hot Chocolate!" I think it was the best I have ever had, and I drank like 4 cups. We danced the night away.

Aidan played T-Ball for the first time. He is a good hitter, but the game didn't keep his attention much. He was ready to go by the second inning. Good thing there were only two innings per game. We had a wet spring and missed some of the games because of the rain and one because of the snow.

Once the rain stopped we did by a play ground and Dave had a fun few days getting it put together. The kids love it and play on it often. Swings and the climbing wall are their favorites. We did use it for Super Hero training for Aidan's birthday.

The summer was a late start. We didn't get to the cabin as much as we would have liked to. The weather wasn't great and we were busy doing other things. We were off to Las Vegas to witness Chelsea and Jeff's wedding. The kids were pretty good, but I don't think that Vegas is the place for toddlers. We did spend one night at Snow Caynon, which we all loved. The kids played on the rocks and in the sand and had a great time. We love the great outdoors!

We were at the cabin for the 4th of July with Alayna and her family, and sadly Dave's dad passed away on the 3rd of July. What an incredible man. He had been sick for many years, but it still comes as a shock. We all love and miss Grandpa Macaualy. We decided to wait until the 7th to fly to Michigan. We already had a trip planned and it just made sense not to try and change the flight plans. This was a good decision, because we were able to stay after the funeral for several days and help Marie with financal red tape and be there so she didn't have to be alone.

We spent the girls' second birthday at the cabin. We came home in the evening and had cake and ice cream with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson and Heidid and Bryan. There was a big rain storm so they had a great time getting on their rain gear and playing in the puddles.

August was an exciting time for Aidan, he started preschool! He loves his school and teachers. Miss Lisa and Miss Shaun are wonderful and Aidan enjoys learning new and different things each week.

We decided to try our luck with tent camping in Yellowstone National Park for Labor Day. The kids did pretty well, we only had to take two late night drives because the kids were crying and didn't want to sleep. Bree was the best and just slept, Sidney wanted to lay on my stomache. Aidan woke up one night with a nightmare and we couldn't calm him down so Dave was off for a drive at midnight. During the days we had a blast. We saw Old Faithful and walked many of the board walk paths. The girls were such troopers, walking more than I ever thought possible. They had fun running and playing. Rock climbing was a favorite with Aidan.

September also brought on the adventure of soccer! Aidan loved soccer. The teams only had 5 people on them so he got to play most of the time. He was out there kicking goals and having a jolly good time. We will be signing him up again for the spring.

Aidan's birthday was a hit. We had a super hero party and had fun training to become super heros and taking on the "Cakester" aka Dave. The girls did not like the costume and was calling Dave the monster for weeks.

Dave and I had the opportunity to go to Cancun for a week of relaxation. My parents watched the kids and we lounged on the beach and played hard too. We went kyaking, 4-wheeling, and snorkling. Lots of fun and a great break!!

November took us to California for Thanksgiving. We drove to Monarey to see the aquarium, which I must admit was simply amazing. We were there for five hours and could have stayed longer, but the kiddos were getting restless. We then drove to the Pinacals to go hiking. Dave and Aidan got the change to go in a cave. Then we were off to Uncle Pat's for Thanksgiving. Grandma Macaualy flew in so we picked her up at the airport. She joined us as we went to Bodega Bay and to the Armstrong Woods. Wow now those are some big trees! It was nice to meet Michelle's family at Thanksgiving, what a nice group of people. We also went Wine Tasting in Nappa. We drove home all 14 hours in one day and the kids were amazingly great all the way. We have trained them to travel well!

December was a busy one too. We went to the North Pole Express on the 9th to ride the train to the "North Pole." Santa boarded the train and came to ask what the kids would like for Christmas. Sidney and Bree were not fans of Santa! Sidney says" I didn't like Santa on the train, he has a big beard." Aidan asked for Power Rangers and loved Santa. We were off to Michinga on the 14th until the 20th and had a nice time visiting family. Christmas we spent at home. The kids were so fun opening gifts and playing with their toys. Aidan was much more interested in having the people he bought gifts for open them, than he was opening his own.